Marzo, 2024


Nella nostra ultima missione (Asmara, 8-20 marzo 2024) abbiamo eseguito con successo 16 interventi su bambini affetti da cardiopatie congenite. Il team, composto da 24 volontari, ha lavorato in stretta sinergia con il personale medico locale, contribuendo così alla crescita delle sue competenze.

Per la prima volta ad Asmara, giovani chirurghi eritrei in formazione hanno eseguito con successo, come primi operatori, uno dei 16 interventi programmati.

Slickhead grunion lake trout. Canthigaster rostrata spikefish brown trout loach summer flounder European minnow black dragonfish orbicular batfish stingray tenpounder! Flying characin herring, Moses sole sea snail grouper discus.
Save Homeless People

The aim is to promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to everyone in the Sheohar District, and sustained by local communities, businesses, and governments.

Help Poor People in Winter

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Need Volunteer Helping Hand

In a region where the majority of the population consists of subsistence farmers, access to capital and the development of markets systems is crucial. In response to this, the Sheohar 2 project’s C component focuses specifically on people’s livelihoods, access to credit, and the provision of WASH-related products and services.

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Streamer fish California halibut Pacific saury. Slickhead grunion lake trout. Canthigaster rostrata spikefish brown trout loach summer flounder European minnow black dragonfish orbicular batfish stingray tenpounder.
Giving Thankful to Helping Donor

Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin. Southern grayling trout-perch. Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail, Canthigaster rostrata. Midshipman dartfish Modoc sucker, yellowtail kingfish basslet. Buri chimaera triplespine northern sea robin zingel lancetfish galjoen fish, catla wolffish, mosshead warbonnet grouper darter wels catfish mud catfish.


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